Problems are encountered in various aspects of life, both in everyday life and in scientific endeavors. Even having a meal on a large table can be considered a problem if looked at as such. When approached as a problem, specific solutions are devised to allow for comfortable dining at a large table without compromising comfort.
These solutions can be standard and ordinary or incredibly creative. To generate creative solutions to simple or complex problems, one must examine TRIZ ideation communities. When conducting this examination, emphasis is placed on the techniques used by this idea community, one of which is the ARIZ technique. Below, these topics are detailed.
What is TRIZ?
In order to understand the subject well, it is necessary to first provide clear and detailed definitions of terms.
Most people may have heard of creative problem-solving techniques. TRIZ refers to an idea generation community systematically formed to solve problems with a multitude of techniques.
Examples will make this clearer, as presented below. This idea was first developed by Genrich Altshuller in 1926. Altshuller was born in Tashkent, Soviet Union.
Altshuller was appointed as a patent officer in 1946. Later on, he discovered the fundamental ideas behind the patents he reviewed by examining numerous patents and paved the way for the emergence of this term. The term is derived from the initial letters of the words “Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch.”
This idea posits what solving a problem looks like. It does not solve the problem directly. It merely demonstrates the simplest method and technique. Since it does not directly solve the problem, techniques such as trial and error and brainstorming are required.
Various techniques are used within this idea. These techniques are aimed at solving problems and can also help gain insights into what will happen in the future.
For this idea, five fundamental aspects of problem-solving have been highlighted:
1. Contradiction
2. Standard Solution
3. Ideal Outcome
4. Evolutionary Trend
5. Invention Principles
To address these five fundamentals, certain tools and techniques are used:
1. 40 Inventive Principles
2. Contradiction Matrix
3. Idealization
4. Nine-Window Approach
5. Eight Evolutionary Trends
6. Functional Analyses
7. Resources
8. Scientific Effects
These are just a few of the tools and techniques available; the primary ones encompass the tools and techniques mentioned above.
The term ARIZ refers to the definition encompassing the creative problem-solving algorithm. This term is actually one of the tools used in the idea described above. It is used as part of the five fundamentals to work on five fundamentals.
Some problems can be complex and may not be easily solved. For this reason, this tool is used to solve complex problems.
Creative Problem Solving Theory
The idea known as creative problem-solving theory, or the creative problem-solving technique, encompasses the entire definition of TRIZ described above.
To solve problems creatively, the view advocated by this idea is the improvement of old theories and the development of new systems. All of this is pursued while making sacrifices and encountering other values. For example, when attempting to measure the weight of any tool, weight can be sacrificed to reach a new value.
Such problems are called creativity problems. To produce creative solutions to problems and minimize the value of the concession, the ARIZ technique can be used. Many other ideas have techniques and tools like this; they can also be used, and this may vary depending on the problem.
Creative Problem-Solving Algorithm
The term ARIZ, which represents the creative problem-solving algorithm, is an abbreviation in Russian. This term encompasses the analysis of finding the most effective solution by using the basic rules of the TRIZ idea, in a logical and sequential manner.
Creative Thinking Systematics
Creative thinking encompasses the thinking process that leads to the emergence of new processes and concepts. To successfully create this process, a system with established rules is needed. The system of creative thinking comes into play at this stage. Since new thoughts can emerge either accidentally or after systematically creating a thought, the system of creative thinking becomes crucial.
Coming up with a creative solution for a problem at that moment may become inevitable. In such a case, creative thinking ceases to be just a thought and becomes ready for action. To put creative thinking into action while successfully achieving the desired result, the basic principles of the idea can be used.
Additionally, to successfully complete this action and achieve the desired result, the ARIZ technique can be extremely useful.